8 Reasons to Consider Cutting Coffee from Your Routine

Coffee is what keeps most people going throughout the day. Some have become so dependent on coffee, they’re convinced they can’t function without it. Not only is it possible to live without coffee, but a caffeine-free diet offers many health benefits that can bolster your overall physical and mental wellbeing. You’ll feel so good, you won’t even miss coffee!

Cutting back on coffee is hard at first, but after a few days, your body will feel much better without caffeine holding it back. Check out the top reasons to consider ditching coffee for good.

  1. Lift your mood: Coffee can increase feelings of anxiety in some people. Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, which in turn elevates your heart rate and blood sugar levels. These symptoms mean the fight-or-flight response is kicking in. Ditching coffee for good can help you feel less anxious, since a lack of caffeine may calm the nervous system. When you don’t drink coffee, you also don’t have to worry about unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. People with a caffeine-free diet are less likely to become irritable and instead enjoy a more stabilized mood.
  2. Sleep through the night: Coffee drinkers tend to have a difficult time falling and staying asleep. Drinking coffee within six hours of bedtime can keep you awake all night! On the other hand, caffeine-free individuals consistently get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep without any disturbances. Cutting caffeine helps your body fall into a rhythm by regulating cortisol and melatonin production. These neurochemicals will find the right balance day and night, allowing you to establish a consistent sleep cycle.
  3. Absorb more nutrients: Caffeine is high in tannins, a compound that can interfere with nutrient absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. This can lead to several nutrient deficiencies, especially for heavy coffee drinkers with a poor diet. By cutting out caffeine, your body will have a greater supply of calcium, iron and B vitamins. A caffeine-free diet also helps the body retain electrolytes, such as sodium, magnesium, potassium and phosphate. These electrolytes are key to staying hydrated.
  4. Protect the reproductive system: Caffeine might raise or lower estrogen levels in women. Imbalanced estrogen levels have been linked to a high risk of problems affecting the reproductive system. Caffeine may also worsen symptoms in menopausal women, including hot flashes, brain fog and irritability. Women in their later years may benefit from quitting coffee, especially if they’re predisposed to certain diseases or experience severe menopausal symptoms.
  5. Maintain a healthy heart: Since caffeine is a stimulant, it can raise your blood pressure. High blood pressure increases the risk of cardiovascular problems. Caffeine may dampen cardiovascular health by constricting the arteries, which inhibits blood flow to and from the heart. Caffeine-free individuals tend to have lower blood pressure than those who drink several cups of coffee per day. Low blood pressure can positively affect your heart health in the long run.
  6. Experience fewer headaches: Avid coffee drinkers are more likely to develop headaches. Their bodies have become so dependent on caffeine that drinking less coffee than usual will have immediate negative effects. Skipping just one cup in your daily routine can instantly lead to that all-too-familiar throbbing pain. Cutting coffee may cause headaches for the first few days, but your body will get used to living without caffeine. You’ll start to notice fewer headaches after adjusting to the caffeine-free lifestyle.
  7. Alleviate digestive upset: Caffeine stimulates many parts of your body—the brain, the nervous system and especially the gastrointestinal tract. Coffee is known for stimulating the bowels, causing people to rush to the bathroom. In some people, coffee may cause loose stools or recurring diarrhea. Cutting back on coffee can firm up stool and regulate bowel movements.
  8. Age more gracefully: Collagen is the main building block for skin, hair and nails. The aging process slows collagen production, and so does high caffeine intake. People who drink several cups of coffee per day might experience signs of premature aging such as thinning hair, brittle nails, wrinkles and sagging skin. Cutting caffeine from your diet increases collagen levels and helps preserve a youthful appearance. Less caffeine also helps the bones retain more calcium, which reduces the risk of degenerative problems associated with aging.

Coffee doesn’t have to be your main source of energy. In fact, you may find that cutting it from your diet will give you more energy than ever before! As you slowly wean off caffeine, you can boost energy levels by exercising, drinking water and getting plenty of rest at night. There will be a short withdrawal period, but the health benefits are more than worth it.

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