Shining a Light on Women For Women International

Women everywhere experience gender-based hardships at some point in their lives. The interactions might be big or small, whether it’s an unsolicited comment or domestic violence. But millions of women in war-afflicted countries endure unspeakable conditions that most people can’t even imagine. Political unrest exacerbates poverty and social injustice, and women are often at the receiving end.

Organizations like Women for Women International work tirelessly to provide resources that unlock women’s full potential and support them through their hardships. In doing so, they help women survivors overcome the fallout of war and become self-sufficient leaders of a better world.

Empowering women every day

Women for Women International inspires women to become agents of change in conflict-afflicted countries. The organization isn’t a charity. Teams around the world provide knowledge, business training and financial literacy to help women become self-sufficient members of their communities. Since 1993, Women for Women International has reached over half a million women survivors across eight countries, inspiring them to harness their inner power.

The organization uses its Stronger Women, Stronger Nations program to help women start businesses and generate income amidst national economic crises. The year-long program teaches agricultural, handicraft and other skills that women can use to boost their household income. The classes also cover topics like how to make and save money. This program offers the tools women need to provide food and shelter for their families.

Women for Women International also provides networking opportunities for graduates of the Stronger Women, Stronger Nations program. An outstanding number of graduates participate in their networking conferences because they connect businesswomen to resources, mentorships and technology that helps their businesses really take off.

The organization doesn’t exist solely to support individual households. Their programs show that women are stronger together. War and conflict isolate women, making them feel like they have no one to lean on. Women for Women International connects women with others just like them who experience similar cultural, economic and gender-based inequalities. Meetings help women survivors discover and assert their basic human rights. As a result, women are empowered to make decisions at home and in their communities.

Women for Women International is a catalyst for sustainable change, but they also provide immediate relief in countries wracked by hardships. They’re currently distributing cash transfers to Afghan women so they can purchase blankets, warm clothing and other supplies to weather the harsh winters. Winter brings famine with it, so participating households will also receive poultry kits and kitchen gardens to generate food throughout the cold months.

Why we support their mission

When people invest in women, everyone benefits from the positive outcomes—not just women, but everyone in the community. Women make up the largest pool of untapped potential in countries suffering from war and economic fallout. Unlocking their power on a large scale can turn the tides of political unrest, sexual violence and educational inequality.

Women who have participated in the Stronger Women, Stronger Nations program increased their gross household income just one year after graduation. On average, women allocate 90 percent of their earnings toward family needs like building a better home. Programs led by Women for Women International help participants establish a stable foundation for their children.

The benefits of Women for Women International extend far beyond the home. Stronger Women, Stronger Nations teaches agricultural skills that participants can turn into a profitable business. Besides earning a livable wage, women in agriculture have the potential to feed an additional 150 million people. Supporting these business endeavors combats starvation and food scarcity in war-afflicted countries.

Women are also underrepresented among political spheres, even in the most developed countries. The organization helps women find their voices so they can speak up about the injustices in their communities. Empowered women become crucial decision makers, both at the local and federal levels. They know their rights and can help pass legislature that protects other women, too. Plus, peace negotiations are more likely to last when women are part of the process.

At the end of the day, people shouldn’t support women for personal gain. Despite obvious social, economic and political benefits, Women for Women International is serving those in need because it’s simply the right thing to do. Women are disproportionately affected by war and economic collapse. Women for Women International provides food, knowledge and resources to help women thrive, as is the right of every human being.

Change starts with one woman at a time. There are many ways to help Women for Women International combat gender-based inequality in countries around the world. You can volunteer with the organization, set up recurring donations or simply spread the word. The more people who hear women’s stories, the closer we all get to ending these injustices for good!

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