Taming Your Frizzy Hair: How to Style Your 'Do Without Damaging it

When humidity levels begin to rise, you may dread stepping out of your house because your perfectly-styled ‘do might turn into a ball of frizz and flyaways. Although it’s really common for people with curly hair, frizz can affect all types of hair, leaving you feeling frustrated and helpless when it comes to your look.

There are a lot of ways you can help tame the frizz, but many of them involve hot styling tools or chemicals that can actually leave your hair more dry and damaged than before. Damage can lead to even more frizz, and so on.

Instead of clamping down on your hair, try natural and non-damaging approaches to get healthier, more hydrated locks.

The science behind frizz

Where does frizz come from, anyway? The simple answer is a lack of moisture in your hair. The outer layer of your hair, called the cuticle, resembles overlapping shingles on a roof. In smooth, hydrated hair, these shingles lie flat. When your hair is dry or damaged, the “shingles” lift to let in moisture. This is why frizzy hair is so common on really humid days—with so much moisture available in the air, your hair wants to soak it all in, causing extreme frizz.

Damage to your hair is often a major source of frizziness. Hot tools and chemicals can dehydrate your hair, causing those shingles to lift. Additionally, broken hair and split ends tend to stick out in random places on your head, creating the effect of frizzy hair.

Frizz might happen naturally, too. Very curly or wavy hair tends to have more frizz because your curly hair is naturally drier. And, if you live in a very humid environment, you might experience frizz more than the average person.

To stop the frizz, your goal should be to deliver as much moisture to your hair as possible, keeping it healthy and hydrated.

Natural ways to tame frizz

When frizz begins to appear, don’t immediately reach for hot styling tools to tame it. Try out some of these natural and non-damaging ways to tame your hair and keep frizz at bay:

  1. Hydrate your hair: Since frizzy hair is desperate for moisture, the best way to prevent it is to introduce more moisture to your hair. Try a hydrating shampoo and conditioner packed with glycerin and other healthy ingredients that will hydrate your locks. Stay away from products full of sulfates and alcohol—both these ingredients will dry out your hair, making it more susceptible to frizz. If your hair is curly, define your curls with styling gels, creams and other products that can coat your hair and keep moisture in.
  2. Apply hair masks and oils: If shampoo and conditioner aren’t enough, use natural hair oils or hair masks once or twice a week to rehydrate hair and give it shine. Natural oils are better than synthetic ones because they actually get absorbed by the hair. If you’re opting for a mask, try a few DIY ones made with hydrating ingredients like yogurt, avocado and banana.
  3. Halt the heat: Hot styling tools can be a nightmare for frizz-prone hair because they leave your locks dehydrated and damaged. Avoid using flat and curling irons as much as possible and skip the blow dryer.
  4. Avoid brushing dry hair: You may be accustomed to brushing your hair out when it’s dry—or worse, when it’s wet—but cutting down on the brushing might help stop cuticle damage. For those with curly hair, this is especially important—brushing can stretch your hair and lead to breakage, leaving you with a poofy ‘do. Instead, towel-dry your hair when it’s wet and finger-comb it.
  5. If your hair gets tangled and messy when it’s dry, try wetting your fingers and finger-combing out the snarls. This won’t solve the frizz long-term, but it’s a good solution when you’re in a pinch and your hair won’t lie flat.
  6. Sleep on silk: Cotton pillowcases have a tendency to soak up the natural oils and moisture in your hair while you sleep. To avoid this, switch to satin pillowcases or tie your hair up in a silk scarf before bed.
  7. Keep it cut: If you don’t cut your hair regularly, you’re probably going to start seeing signs of breakage and split ends. All this damage can make frizzy hair look even frizzier, so get regular haircuts to remove damaged hair and keep your hair looking and feeling healthy.
  8. Style smart: Sometimes frizz just can’t be tamed completely, and that’s okay. As a last resort when your hair just won’t cooperate, pack a few bobby pins in your purse. You can use these to tame flyaways just about anywhere they occur and keep sections of your hair from growing outwards.

You don’t have to coat your hair with harmful chemicals or heat treatments to keep frizz away. By re-introducing moisture and taking steps to prevent hair damage, your ‘do will stay smooth, shiny and healthy, whenever and wherever.

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